
It is time, my friends....

As per this list:


There will be war coming this year.  95% of the guns on that list should NEVER be on the list.  The ones that I personally agree should be on it - anything AK-..., the MAC-10, MAC-11, and the Uzi.  Everything else - no.  There is one thing that I do like however, mine is not listed... yet.  With it not being listed however, I can expect my rounds to go from $30 a box upward to about $50-$75/box.    I am not sure WHEN this plans to be implemented, but God willing, I'll be able to pick up my AR JUST before this shit goes down.

--Carl M. Radhim


Future timeline, how I see the US Gun-ban to go.

First the national call to ban all firearms
Next - Protests in smaller communities
Next Protests all around the country
Next - Protests turn into 'Marches against the government'

In the works:
https://www.facebook.com/events/116206631878639/  - Jan 21, 2013

Next - Government gets police involved

We sorta skipped this step.

Next - Police cannot control it, Military gets involved

America Declares war on itself --- Message from Anonymous:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrXyLrTRXso - Jan 4, 2013

Next - Half the military population is against 'new measures', battles their own from the inside out.
Next - Those of us left after multiple arrests, join the 'defunct military members'
Next - America's version of WW3, except it'll be called the New American Revolution OR Civil War 2 - liberals, gun-haters, Obama-followers, people who believe Obama is the 'Messiah' vs True Christians, Gun-lovers, NRA, NAR (old and new).
Next - If prophecy from the Bible is truly true, our fight will be for naught.  Sad, but true.

What I see from all of this - Because of our tyrannical President, our country will revert back to its roots.  We fought the British because they wanted to rid of us of our self-sustaining rights, and now the sheeple of America, dulled down by media and bullshit like Honey-Boo-Boo, are complacent enough to NOT realize we are headed down the road that the British wanted us to be in when we fought the FIRST American Revolution.

Wake the fuck up, America.  You are leading our country into a state of despair.  WAKE UP!


When will we rise up and take our country back?

I've been wondering this for a few months now - The reason I named this blog NARII is because my former organization sort of dropped off the face of the earth.  I have no allegiance to anyone, and if I was to gather others to rise against our current tyrant before he reaches his destructive phase, I'd rather have a 'nation' to back me up, rather than going it alone.  I am sure a number of you feel the same, but we need to find a way to meet up without scrutiny by our current government, lest we risk mass arrests or executions (it's headed that way).    Hell, he's ALREADY prosecuting fellow Christians on our OWN soil.  If there was ever a time to start a new revolution or even a Civil War II, it is now.


To these so-called Americans, or rather the 'low-class' Obama supporters and anti-gun people.  This letter will mainly go to new media and to the females on these commercials -  I refuse to give up my handgun.  This country is now building up to the point where you have to ask whoever is requesting help who they support.  This said - if you are being raped, beaten, or knifed, forget me or my brothers in arms helping your ass.  We will now ask before helping - "Are you a democrat, support Obama, or against guns?" If you answer yes to any of these questions, we will just turn around and deny you rescue.  Drop this outcry against an inanimate object, or face getting beaten, raped, or killed without rescue.  This is not a threat, It's a promise.

--Carl M. Radhim


Answer to a FB post questioning why I said the 21st was really a death of our nation...

It's rhetorical.  Stupid laws, stupid liberal thoughts.  The US is as dead as it was before it's inception in ideals. As the history books say, what is happening now - was also attempted by the British, which caused the Revolutionary War.    I think too deep into things and the way Congress is running things, along with the current Administration, it's only a matter of time before the US is dead (Constitution stripped and rewritten), (Rights and freedoms equal to what China has) we will no longer be the land of the free.  We will still be known as such, but it will be a pseudo-freedom, those of us who stood for her (the US) will constantly be looking over our shoulders as if the "law" will come to steal the rest of our freedoms besides our guns.


First post - and I feel as if I may be the sole member of what needs to happen in our country before all goes to shit.  It takes a lot of courage to speak up and say we need to overthrow this new regime and get our rights and freedoms back.  To answer or, obey another country's beck and call for us to lower our standards or lose our freedoms is just plain idiotic.  China has recently called for the US to disarm it's people. Why?  My answer is:  I believe the Chinese want to invade, but not publicly - sure it seems an insane idea, but when you have a military that is a good 5 - 6x the size of the "MOST POWERFUL NATION" in the world, you're going to WANT to take over.  One of the Lessons I've learned while serving in the military:  Know how your enemy thinks... The Chinese have sent spies all OVER the world for many years now to gather intel from American soldiers (Hell, I've even met some while in Germany)... they will become 'buddy-buddy' with you to try to learn what make you, your family, your community tick...  A long drawn out process, but in the end, the Chinese government is now using this knowledge to disarm us.

To the liberals - I have one thing to say to you - Do NOT come crying to someone who you once knew of owning firearms for not coming to your rescue if you get burgled, raped, a friend murdered, etc.  YOU were part of the decline of our great nation and responsible for electing the scum that killed it.