

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has the best idea and is actively employing it daily when it comes to the illegal aliens from Mexico... Detain and send back home... Now only if the other Southern states would do so.

The Sheriff's Association in Utah have it right when 22/23 of their members say that they are willing to risk a bloody war to protect our Constitution in their own state.

I am not the only one, military vets, law enforcement, military members and civilians alike who think the time to talk has passed.  We are fed up, Mr. Obama.  When you say we don't have a spending problem, where did Ghadafi's bank account get his 240+ Billion dollars in A US BANK account from?  Huh?  Why flow with the idea of Socialism? -  A professor from Harvard had it right when he tested the theory of Socialism out on his class which resulted in the ENTIRE class failing...  Is that what you truly want?  Who the fuck fucked you over growing up that you feel the need to destroy one of the greatest nations on the planet?   Why disarm us while supplying ENEMIES of our country with fighter jets and military tanks?  Furthermore, why the FUCK would you require military members for your chain of command to be WILLING to fire on citizens of the US?  For the last question - you might raise your approval ratings if you change the LITMUS test to a question of say, "Are you willing to fire upon ILLEGAL ALIENS?"

In other areas of screwed-up-ness in our country - I have one solution to our once-great nation's problems, it involves an extremely good scope and a highly trained person to pull it off.   Sit back a good 10 miles or so, let them fly (them cuz 1 ain't gonna be enough) in quick succession.     Leave this to your own interpretation.  With our Bill of Rights under attack, with due-process negligible anymore, I cannot elaborate much more than this.

So, Mr. Obama, and yes - I refuse to use President in this(Fuhrer or Komrade would be better fitting) - those of us who have not partaken in your 'magical' kool-aid know that you want a war this year.  What then, is the catalyst?  Will you have your goons take out Hillary or some other high-profile target, or perhaps fake your own death?

Those of us who are NOT your sheeple, will be those who refuse to raise our arms or hands to your praise.  You are NOT the Messiah, you are NOT God.  You most certainly are NOT without fault, yet you use the MSM to weave fairy-tales about you to woo over the dead masses of blind following morons.

We as a people, as a world needn't worry about a Zombie Apocalypse coming, it's been here since F.Obama took office and the 'Zombies' are those who will gladly follow him into the depths of Hell.


I have a lurker in the White House it seems...

Why do I think I have this lurker?  Remember my post at the beginning of the year where I outline my predictions?  I also wanted to attend the Anti-Obama demonstration in DC tomorrow, but am unable to due to money problems.   New "legislation" has come out destroying the 1st Amendment, giving the Secret Service permission to detain any protests 'near' the POS POTUS.  Two of my predictions come into play here - 1) Massive demonstrations (already done, sadly I missed the one in AZ) - DC tomorrow,  2) Massive arrests - With the DC demonstrations, I can already see it now - We are going to have the largest arrests in the US to date.


With all the hubbub going on with members of Congress and our current situation, it made me wonder if these idiots take the same oath that our military members are supposed to take or if they were given a differing one that would allow them to put our country to shame.  I did a little searching and found this little gem:

Under current law any individual elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, except the President, shall take the following oath:
 “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.” (33 U.S.C. § 3331.) By federal statute, all state officers shall take an oath in the simple form first promulgated in 1789. (4 U.S.C. § 101.)

Apparently theirs is very close to the same as ours.... Also, apparently they are too cowardly to fight against the 'nay-sayers' and our soon-to-be Dictator and actually do the deed they so swore to do.

I am very close now to cutting my ties to this country in which I served, as the people of this used-to-be great nation are just as cowardly as the donkey running the show.   Hrmmm... I wonder how much it costs to fly/move to Israel?  ...


Horrible "Predictions"

While I applaud these numerous Sheriffs around the country following the Constitution and their vows to their word, I worry that by their declarations of refusing to follow through with Federal "mandate" will lead to more false-flag events perpetrated by the government out of DC.    My prayers are with you guys - plus a request -- Are you looking for more deputies by chance?


War is on the Horizon....

All I can say is - it's about time Obama.  You have waged war on the lawful and soon-to-be outlaw people of the United States.  Be ready - 2013 is the year of war.  Do not believe for one second that you'll have a majority of the Armed Forces protecting you.  The TRUE warriors believe and follow their oath TO THE CONSTITUTION.


You know what? Fuck Obama and his cronies....

This idiot is truly willing to firestart a new Revolution or Civil War to show how "powerful" he is?    Tell you what - Howzabout I start a petition to eliminate the electoral college (the thing that FUCKS us voters) and we will just go with raw numbers?  THIS should help eliminate any chance that this dictator wannabe fuckstick has any chance for a 3rd term.  3rd term = war.


Liberal Scum

I feel bad for you guys when the time comes for the gun-grabbers to come and try to take us down.  Or even afterwards...  It's come down to the point where I feel I have to ask 2 questions to a victim of a crime that I witness.   First question:  Do you support Obama? Second question: Do you support the current gun control measures?  If either question is a yes - I would just walk away and let the 'criminal' finish what he/she was doing.  If those questions were answered with a 'No,' I would take out the 'criminal'.

Future Oath of US Military

Based on the perversion of the Constitution being done by the POTUS and his illegitimate cronies in the White House and Congress (a gathering of monkeys, by the way :P),  I predict that the oath will no longer have this line included - "uphold and defend the constitution of the United States".  I am almost sure that, not if - but when Congress ratifies and implements the removal of the 22nd Amendment, it will say "uphold and defend the POTUS".  Nothing about the constitution.  Once that is done, you KNOW there will be a sort of Civil War --- The old vets vs the new military.


One question I'd like to ask to our new upcoming 'Communist' government - Why do you condemn those of us returning FROM a war you send us to as terrorist or even an 'infidel' status, when we have to say an oath that includes: To protect against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic?   Is it because you fear our soldiers realizing our current President fits BOTH categories?  He is BOTH a FOREIGN (He NEVER should've become President - Foreign born in KENYA) and DOMESTIC (POTUS) enemy of our liberties and Freedoms, expressed in our constitution... Dear DC : Do you honestly think there will NOT be a fight to keep our constitution from getting shredded?  You idiots need to wake the fuck up before it is too late.  I alone cannot change the course of where we are headed, but despite this blog not being followed by anyone, there are many, many others out there, such as myself who would like to see Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood assholes OUT of the White House.   I cannot believe the GOP would let the media and the shitty brainwashed idiots in America dictate whether they are out for the count or not.  Republicans, GOP - You are NOT out of the running.  Push back with EVERYTHING you have - you are NOT dead yet.  So sad to see that you are nothing but a bunch of pussies that follow EVERYTHING the dems, POTUS, and his little MB lackeys are telling you to.  Fuck your current jobs and DO what you KNOW to be the right thing to do.

End Rant - 901am