
One question I'd like to ask to our new upcoming 'Communist' government - Why do you condemn those of us returning FROM a war you send us to as terrorist or even an 'infidel' status, when we have to say an oath that includes: To protect against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic?   Is it because you fear our soldiers realizing our current President fits BOTH categories?  He is BOTH a FOREIGN (He NEVER should've become President - Foreign born in KENYA) and DOMESTIC (POTUS) enemy of our liberties and Freedoms, expressed in our constitution... Dear DC : Do you honestly think there will NOT be a fight to keep our constitution from getting shredded?  You idiots need to wake the fuck up before it is too late.  I alone cannot change the course of where we are headed, but despite this blog not being followed by anyone, there are many, many others out there, such as myself who would like to see Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood assholes OUT of the White House.   I cannot believe the GOP would let the media and the shitty brainwashed idiots in America dictate whether they are out for the count or not.  Republicans, GOP - You are NOT out of the running.  Push back with EVERYTHING you have - you are NOT dead yet.  So sad to see that you are nothing but a bunch of pussies that follow EVERYTHING the dems, POTUS, and his little MB lackeys are telling you to.  Fuck your current jobs and DO what you KNOW to be the right thing to do.

End Rant - 901am

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